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Kshyapa is an independent management consulting practice founded by Nishant Kashyap -  a strategic decision and implementation expert. Its founding is rooted in the insight that business leaders, who are swamped with short burst high intensity urgent (and important) tasks, simply need their problem solving acumen to be backed by bandwidth to take on important (yet non-urgent) tasks requiring deep work over prolonged periods. Therefore, the practice’s founding purpose is to augment business leaders’ intellection bandwidth for ‘important non-urgent’ tasks. Given this purpose, the practice's mission is to complement business leaders acumen with a robust decision making and implementation discipline.


Strategy formulation requires a business leader to tackle the analytical complexity of the problem while navigating the organizational complexity at the same time. Crafting analytically sound strategy entails identifying unambiguous problem statement and then testing feasible solutions against real-world uncertainties. The goal is to arrive at an actionable path aligned with the organization’s risk appetite. This already complex exercise becomes considerably more involved when there are multiple stakeholders in an organization each advocating for what they think is the best path forward given their unique context driven by their individual perspectives, convictions, and goals. Kshyapa’s facilitated decision analysis approach to strategy development helps organizations develop objective data-driven risk-informed strategies while also ensuring that all stakeholders get a representation in the process.  Our facilitated decision analysis helps businesses make sense of uncertainties and align the organization to arrive at a shared strategic goal and action plan.

Image by Oliver Roos


Image by Ambitious Creative Co.  - Rick


As founders focus on scaling their business, often at breakneck speed, institution-building takes a back seat and as a result, Strategic Planning, which is core to long-term value creation stays underinvested. This eventually shows up as a bottleneck when gaps in strategy, annual planning, and review systems start affecting the business leader’s ability to envisage, guide, and monitor business growth. The absence of strategic planning discipline can also erode investor confidence and impede fundraising efforts. Strategic Planning capability incubation is a core area of focus for us and derives from our Founder's extensive experience of working closely with several rapidly growing small and medium businesses in this area.  To ensure that planning culture is firmly ingrained, organizations are run through a complete planning cycle, starting from rolling strategy development to annual plan translation to eventually setting up and running the review system, while simultaneously building internal planning capabilities (system, processes, and people) to ensure a smooth take-over.


Businesses across a range of diverse sectors are discovering that going digital is no longer optional but critical to their survival. These organizations with well-set brick-and-mortar operations need help on preparing the ground before bringing in Product and Technology teams to drive digitization. This ground preparation entails understanding ‘as-is’ operations and identifying opportunities where the introduction of technology can help bring efficiency. This 'as-is' mapping is followed by a ‘to be’ process definition along with product designs road-maps which can then be taken up by Product-tech teams for implementation. Digital transformation is another area where we are supporting organizations.

Image by Tobias



At any of point of time in an organization, there are always some critical projects and initiatives that the CEO would want to be run directly from her office. However, in a growing organization this often means pulling bandwidth from some other equally critical project/initiative from another part of the organization or investing time in hiring which then defeats the ‘hear and now’ nature of such initiatives. As a seasoned program manager, Nishant Kashyap has been providing PMO and program management support to CEOs and strategy offices. Nishant works with Founders/CEOs to define a clear program agenda along with expected outcomes and then works closely with the internal team to drive outcomes. This provision of execution bandwidth on demand in line with our capacity augmentation philosophy has helped organizations realize rapid outcomes without compromising on-going operations. In addition, Nishant also takes up implementation of specific critical initiatives on behalf of the organization - especially in the areas of analytics, service operations, and transaction program management.



Nishant Kashyap


Nishant Kashyap is an Independent Management Consultant with over 16 years of experience across Strategy, Transformation, Analytics, Service Operations, and Initiatives’ Program Management. He has worked with a diverse set of clients ranging from National Govt and MNCs to SMEs and Start-ups across a wide array of sectors viz. Payments, Infrastructure, Energy, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Healthcare, IT, Chemicals, Media, Tech, and Loyalty. Nishant brings extensive cross-cultural leadership experience where he has successfully delivered mandates in India and abroad working with both internal and client teams from across the globe.


Nishant is a Computer Engineer from the University of Delhi and has done his MBA from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB). Before starting on his own, Nishant was a Principal with Strategic Decisions Group (SDG) – a Strategy Boutique with roots in Stanford University. Prior to SDG, Nishant has worked with Opera Solutions, a boutique analytics consulting firm, and with the analytics team of American Express.



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